Casey Walters

Casey Walters

I’m Casey Walters and my wife, Jennifer, and I live in Redfield with our kids Levi, Cora, and Jace.  We enjoy being in God’s creation doing anything from looking for shed antlers in the late winter, picking morels and flowers in the spring, playing outside on the warm summer days, to watching the leaves change and hunting in the fall. 

I grew up attending a Methodist church in Madison County, but as I got into high school and college, sports became the main idol in my life. Church was something I did on Sunday, and felt like just a bunch of stories.  Although many would have considered me a good kid, I was far from the Lord. 

After dating all throughout high school and college, Jen and I got married in the summer of 2010. As we moved around with jobs and school, we would occasionally attend church but found various reasons not to go.  Climbing the corporate ladder, making money, and hunting were now the idols that controlled my life.  However, shortly after moving to Redfield, a neighbor stopped by our house, and through conversation invited us to his local church, and we decided to give it a try.  

Our first day at this church, they were preaching through 1st John about being in the world but not of the world.  At the moment, it seemed as if the preacher was talking directly to us.  We started to attend church on a more regular basis and started to read our bible more.  

In the summer of 2015, we attended an evangelism class where the gospel was clearly explained. At that moment, I realized that God is perfect and holy and I am a sinner separated from God.  But, through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Christ, I would be forgiven and granted eternal life. Realizing that I am just a vapor…here today and gone tomorrow, and knowing that when I die I’m going to meet Jesus face to face and give an account for my life, I repented and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Since accepting Christ, the Holy Spirit has worked in my life tremendously, and I have a passion for sharing the gospel with others, and especially our kids, to hopefully someday see them accept Christ.  I’m thankful for Redeemer Church and the men and women who make up the body.  I look forward to continuing to serve and grow alongside all of you.

Payton Eads
Deacon of Hospitality
Josh Henry